If there’s something I really enjoy doing at the studios, it’s sneaking into that booth to gossip about what’s the music buzz around Y101 with the DJ on board. That’s my official social tête-à-tête at work with my office mates, so I make sure to cash in on that time-out! Yesterday it happened to be none other than our clubman and bon viveur Carlow on All Night Live!

First thing’s first though – I was eager to find out what his choice cut was currently and of course to see if we connected on this one and true to fact, it had to be Elle King’s Ex’s & Oh’s, which I like as well but not quite for the same reasons – btw, it’s also Number 1 on WT20 this week. “I like her vocal style because it’s not the usual mainstream pop with that touch of blues in there” he says and to my surprise, he continued from right field “and she’s pretty”… Hmmm?

Now, what does pretty have to do with the track? I thought to myself, but as inquisitive as I am and given the opportunity to continue our dialogue, I went off topic, not off the record (LOL!), and asked our seasoned DJ what he likes in girls. It didn’t take much to extract his weakness in women: good sense of humor, wit and adventurous were the first words that sped out of his lips. “I like women that try new things; new food, new places”… That try new things sounds interesting, I thought to myself once again! Has he been reading 50 Shades of Grey?

A prerequisite is that they have interest in music “This is one of the first qualities I look for; it’s that one thing she has to have” he asserted. So I went on to ask him if he was soliciting, to hear a very intellectual reply “Let the universe take over that for now”. I didn’t want to seem like I was snooping around so I left it at that but what he meant remains to be a big question mark in my head (and I’m sure in yours too!), which I will continue to try and figure out for some time…

Hence, focusing back on our earlier subject matter (which should’ve been music), he said that the best track on our new playlist is Ellie Goulding’s Something In The Way You Move which is in point of fact, an amazing vocal house released only last October 9 as her first promotional single. It was featured on her third major-label full-length album Dillirium, which correct me if I’m wrong Mr. DJ, hasn’t hit our charts just yet.

We also exchanged notes on the return of Beats and Rhymes which he confirmed he’s working on for this coming summer. “We can take it up with some slow jams to gradually start the show” he explains “then we just infuse it”.

And finally, when I asked him how he was liking his show, he exclaimed “I don’t just like it, I love it!” and in closing he had a special message to his listeners – “Keep it safe on the road while locking it into All Night Live!”

Undeniably, a thought-provoking conversation with an interesting mind. In closing, he mentioned his favorite colors were “for some odd reason, red and of course black”; his movie of the year: Star Wars. “How about 50 Shades?” I asked humorously to which he replied, “That’s a different category, now!” Categorically a Carlow! We must talk again…

Stay cuffed to Y101 Always First and lay it back with Carlow from 6PM-10PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and just chill…

#y101fm #radioshow #allnightlive