It’s that time of the week when we feature Y101’s daytime slots, so today we’re hitting up Chad the Stud’s Midday Drive. Often times we tend to forget the importance of the DJ who’s got the rein behind the scene on such powerful hours like the lunchtime lick!

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The show of the day is about to get you hyped up! Let your ears do the listening when Jeanne Louise takes over your midday jam.

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Your afternoons doesn't always have to be the same. Put some color to it with the hottest midday show in town. Take every positive energy with you and make your day be extraordinary.

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The middle of the day is what really tells us how the rest of your day will be like.

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Get along with your midday with the Midday Vibe! Experience an incredible time without a cost but guaranteed worthy entertainment and a good set of music. Take a break from the morning stress and give yourself a soothing time while you can.

The day has started smoothly and pleasantly. Now, all we have to make sure is not to let anything, the traffic and the hot-headed people, get in our very precious day.

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Get a load of your noon time as you step in to the hippest music craze. Dance your way as you welcome the afternoon with amazing music. It's always a great time when you're locked in to the grandest radio station ever made.

There is no good reason to care less about how your day is going to go by. A day started off bad is a day murdered.