
Pursuing what you love to do

Another year has swiftly passed and it's good to be alive. During our everyday lives it's easy to become overwhelmed and swept up in all our normal daily activities, but at the end of the year it's a good time to take a minute and reflect on everything the year has brought. In life there are bound to be good experiences and bad, so instead of focusing on the negative aspects we should hone in on those memories that make us smile and aim to make this new year filled with more of those instances.

As for Chad, he is happy to be back at Y101 full time after taking a short sabbatical. A life lesson he is adamant about is pursuing what you're supposed to. We all have our individual callings in life, so it's important to find something you're most passionate about and simply do it. Unfortunately, this is not always your profession, but regardless of that fact you should always take the time to do what you love. It could simply be painting, writing, or even riding horses, whatever the case may be life is short so enjoy it.

So whether you make a list of New Year's resolutions to undertake in the next couple days, or if you have none like Chad, it's always important to make the effort for positive changes every day. Constantly pursuing higher expectations for ourselves makes stronger and better people, so simply aiming for those seemingly small changes builds up and expounds as the year goes on.

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