all night live with tee

Meet the girl next door with a twist.

Here at Y101 FM Cebu, it's not always rainbows and rave parties. Sometimes we want a hint of edginess too- that's why Tee is now aboard! Expect random quirkiness and informative anecdotes in between playing indie, alternative rock and pop hits here at All Night Live!

A lover of art, Tee likes writing songs and loves to play instruments. Music being her life is definitely an understatement. 1am thoughts inspire her the most and Melanie Martinez is her spirit animal. If you're out of ideas on where to go, Tee knows every nook and cranny here in Cebu too! Her favorite place is where she hasn't been to yet, and its safe to say All Night Live is going to be her favorite destination.

So tune in on Mondays through Thursdays every 10pm to 12mn and turn your nights into your sunshine with Tee right here on Y101 Always First!

#y101 #alwaysfirst #allnightlive