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When you have a kick-ass lineup of seasoned DJs like Jiggy Jr., Chad the Stud and John M, you know you’re about to have a stupefying Friday when you go on that magic carpet ride with Friday Goldrush

Not to say that they’ll be featuring Steppenwolf – or who’s to say, maybe John M will – but yes, Friday’s are all about reminiscing the 80s, 90s and now, the first decade of the 2000s!

It is said that music is an art form consisting of sound and silence expressed through time – and that is exactly the feeling that the rush brings you on Fridays. It is all about recalling the past when times were less taxing and Cebu was not quite the city it is today. It’s all about those tunes you heard from then top of the Cebu Plaza reaching down to the Ayala Mall. It’s all about those hot hits all the time and staring down at the competition stingers you heard or the jingles to come fly away with the Rhythm of the City! It’s all about those sweet emotions Aerosmith talks about and memories we can muse over.

What tracks to expect?

Anticipate anything and everything from a wide range of artists – from the king of pop Michael Jackson, the queen of jazz Sade, the genius American Prince, the multi-genre high-flier Sting, the popular rock band U2, the jazz-pop-rock bravura duo Steely Dan, the grunge gods Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Pepper and STP just toname a fewand well… I can go on forever.

Simply request for your favorite songs during the 10 hours of golds – I’ve already called mine in! Sublime’s Santeria it is for me; what’s yours?

So let that unadulterated music live on forever and combine youth and adults to one pristine show tomorrow when you lock into Friday Goldrush. Don’t miss out on this special all-day feature only brought to you by Y101 Always First – it’s on from 8 AM – 6 PM.

Just be there!