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If you’re truly a music lover, I’m sure you know what the 27 Club is all about but if, by chance you haven’t heard of them, here’s a good reason why you need to listen to Bootleg Gold tonight!

Why? Because the only rock experience will be featuring your favorite artists from the club – let me clarify, not all but just what the Bootleg Gold Crew considers to be the top 10 rock artists from the club.

Now, the term refers to a number of iconic musicians who tragically passed away at age 27 including its latest supporter Amy Winehouse, who expired in 2011; but here’s the thing – almost all of these legends died awful deaths often resulting from substance abuse or suicides.

I bet you’re already anticipating who we’re featuring and yes, you’re right – you can expect Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Brian Jones, and Curt Cobain just to name a few, but no, Winehouse won’t be there – remember, it’s only rock on Bootleg Gold

So since we’re going to hit up the rock members of the club, expect to listen to the amazing music that these legendary and renowned musicians once created and enjoy their most popular tracks that will always remain to rock us.

Check us out on Y101 Always First tonight at 6PM and dredge up on the 27 Club with Marko and me, Martha T.

Get the habit!