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You’re just about to savor another first on Bootleg Gold tonight at Y101 when Marko and I feature a distinctive and exclusive show on the last fifth Friday of the month which happens to fall in October this year. It’s going to be a Halloween blast cos we’ll be doing RIP – meaning Rock In Peace!

If you remember well, we’ve done this before Bootleggers, but not in this format – this evening we’re rocking you with the top, not 20, not 40 but The Top 30 Dead Rock Artists! Now, how stoked can that be? And the criteria – it’s all based on what you Bootleg Gold fans vote for and what Y101’s take is on the most prominent artists among the icons that have passed away, ranking them according to importance. Not their bands, nor their songs – once again, it’s those artists that have departed!

The concept came about some time ago – it’s that time of the year that we remember the dead, and what better way to tribute those rockin’ megastars with a highlight of their best tracks on RIP? But this time around, we’re doing it with a twirl – a countdown twirl! And even if Allhallowtide is about trick or treating, costume parties, jack-o’-lanterns, pranks and horror themes, here at the studios, it’s all about giving you the memory of the singled out prodigies!

Some weeks ago, we brought you a mind-blowing Bootleg Gold special, 27 Club that left all you rockers dumbfounded with tracks from iconic musicians who tragically passed away at 27, almost all of which deaths resulted from substance abuse or suicides.

This week, although we’ll be giving you some Hendrix, Morrison, Janis Joplin, Cobain and others from the club, we’ll even be adding more that are non-members as we take you to the top of our countdown with tracks that will always remain as your favorite memories of those legends.

Ride it out with us on Y101 Always First tonight at 6PM and take a walk on the wild side with me, Martha T and my wingman, Marko as we bring you the only rock experience.

Get the habit!

#y101fm #alwaysfirst #bootleggold