Here's some hilarious reactions to the recently-launched iPhone 7!

Although very much-awaited, the iPhone 7 doesn't fall short on backlash from critics. The price point got a bit higher and not to mention the wireless AirPods being sold separately for $160...people took to the internet how they feel about the recent launch.

Maybe soon, people won't have to complain about faulty earphones and chargers?

hilarious reactions to iPhone 7

How those with their favorite pair of earphones feel.

pair of earphones feel
Although a pretty sweet idea, users are already anticipating what could happen if you lose one of your AirPods.

iphone reaction

While some already know why their battery life will still drain faster...

battery life will still drain

Meanwhile, one proves why improvising is everything.

wireless earbuds iphone 7

And again.

wireless earbuds iphone 7
Our old friend knows that an era is starting to end...

wireless earbuds of iphone 7

While some have already come to terms with their grief.

wireless earbuds

But of course, nothing else can beat a classic.

classic phone

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