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Because of the Puspin-Aspin Adoption Day  during the weekend, I cannot help but write about animals.




On Technology
I am thankful to technology specifically the internet for giving us quick and free access to information. Because of that, we understand our animal friends better than before since researches are available when you search for them. Also, a lot of animal lovers make groups in social media sites to contact and gather members to share basic information on animal care and other things. A lot of organizations have benefited from social media because it is easier to relay information. It is also easier to find lost pets because people can now share photos of their lost furry friends.

It is not only humans who benefited technology but the animals too! Animal health care and nutrition is now provided and learned by a lot of people. Surgery is also common and more accessible compared to years ago.

Animal abusers are now easier to trace because of technology and I am happy that there are laws implemented in animal protection.

On Animal Emotions
Animals are very emotional creatures-we just do not understand them. They feel happy, sad, excited and everything else we are capable of. This is the reason why I feel disgraced when I see people treating animals as breeding machines, food or as some type of thing you can kill because you feel like killing. Don’t get me wrong on food, I meant people raising them in the wrong way ( overcrowded piggeries etc.).

See how expressive cows are?


And yes the dogs.


On Animal Intelligence
Animals are intelligent creatures. Again, we just do not understand them. We are lucky though, that we can now simply research on the things we want to know. Because of researching on the internet, I found out how smart chickens can actually be.  They are very organized creatures too! I also learned how turkeys do not communicate through body language but instead, talk and engage in conversations just like us humans. Turkeys talk all the time! Isn’t that amazing? And whales... oh those magnificent creatures! They have songs which they sing and it interested scientists because of its similarities to man-made composed music.

Animals are not the lower species. We are all evolved differently to fit our environments.