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Many people have their own strong causes which they believe in and personally, the cause I believe in is Animal welfare.

Why animal welfare? It is because they are our neighbours of our earth and it is just right that we treat them well.

I do not believe that we are the superior species. I believe the fact that we are all just evolved differently from the rest to fit the environment we are living in. So it is very wrong to think of animals as lower than humans… and that we have the right to harm them because they are “just animals”.

After the Puspin-Aspin Adoption Day’s lectures, I was very happy to know that we have a very strong law about the animals. Animal abusers can be sentenced to prison and pay a fine of up to (or more than) 100,000 pesos when reported to the law.

The sad thing is, people do not know this kind of law and leave the animal abusers as they continue to do their cruel deeds. This is why there are mini seminars and briefings for free so that people would be aware of the law.

To know more about the law, check out http://pawsphilippines.weebly.com/animal-welfare-laws.html

So I hope animal abusers should be a lot more careful as I am also keeping an eye on them. If I see one, I will report immediately.

Animals are meant to be appreciated and respected the way we want to be appreciated and respected.  I do not know what to say to those who disagree with me.

What is in our minds? Y101fm Talks.

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