y101talks 010115main

Again, many people are ought to make a resolution in celebration of the New Year.


Others make their resolution, others simply do not bother. As much as we want to share to you the shouthoxer’s resolutions, it seems that most of them are busy and do not have time to share so much although we will be waiting for their resolutions when they are not so busy anymore.

I, the writer, do not make resolutions because I can’t stick to them but if I must make one then it would be to save more money. Most of us are spending more than we earn and I am guilty of this activity. This 2015, I hope to keep the money I earn and save it for the rainy days. I realized this when I got sick and was needed to be hospitalized. It pays to save money because people cannot help us all the time.

What’s your resolution? Don’t be shy and voice out by commenting on Y101Fm Shoutbox . Join now! Just type https://www.facebook.com/groups/y101shoutbox/?fref=ts on your browser or copy paste this link.

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