deep web

The internet sites you use and visit everyday is only the tip of the iceberg!

If you image search the term 'deep web' you'd find an infographic classifying Google, Facebook, YouTube and the whatnot at the very tip of an iceberg. That part of the internet is called the Surface Web. In the Deep Web, you can find up to 90% of information not accessible to surface web crawlers. That includes financial records, government resources and other academic resources that are illegally obtained. However, the Deep Web is not involved in nor has ever been involved in any efforts to access the nefarious parts of the Deep Web known as the Dark Web.

The Dark Web involves government secrets, terrorist communications, drug trafficking, human trafficking, illegal pornographic categories such as child and animal porn and actual videos of homicide.

The deep web is truly anonymous – you can’t even get on it unless you yourself are anonymous. It's pretty fun to find books and resources that were shelved and hard-to-find torrents. At some point I've come across interesting books and some pretty effed up stuff like a manual on how to murder people, an occult bible or Satanic rules.

From what I read, current estimations are that the Deep Web contains approximately 400 to 500 times more publicly-available information than on the surface web. The total quality content you’ll find on the Deep Web is thought to be 1,000 to 2,000 times greater than on the Web we’re familiar with. There are currently some sites that have been created to act as a road map to the place (The Hidden Wiki being the most well-known), but even the bravest of Internet cartographers have barely scratched the surface of this practically infinite rabbit hole.

Although the Dark Web is enough to intimidate you already, the Deep Web has been designed specifically to help provide protection for you and your data. Many current users of the Deep Web are advocates of freedom of speech, privacy and anti-censorship. Deep Web is accessed through a program called Tor-which is comparable to what many users already use to search the surface web such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Internet Explorer, among others. Tor is different in the sense that instead of sending the information directly to your computer's unique IP address, the information that you have requested such as opening your email, is re-routed through a large number of countries before ultimately coming to your computer. This is what makes Tor more anonymous. You can look it up and download on your browser.

So make sure to keep these quick tips in mind if you want to remain anonymous: refrain from using social media sites or any site that requires you to enter your personal information such as name or location. You should have good browser hygiene too, clear your history and select the 'do not save password or information' fields when entering information.

Again, this article has barely scratched the surface so look around for more tips and sites to see! Have you been surfing the deep web? If you have share with us your experience!

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