An intruder once broke into George Harrison’s home

It’s one of the weirdest home invasion cases ever.

17 years ago today on December 23, 1999, an intruder broke into ex-Beatle George Harrison’s home in the island of Maui, Hawaii.The intruder was a 27-year-old woman called Cristin Keleher, one of the weirdest home intruder ever.

Harrison had owned the Maui property since the early 1980s, and had long sought to keep it a private residence away from public gaze. He and his wife Olivia were not present at the time of Keleher’s break-in.

When she was inside, Keleher grabbed a frozen pizza from the freezer and cooked it. She also took out a bottle of soda and drank it, before giving her mother in New Jersey a call using Harrison’s telephone.

Her presence in Harrison’s house triggered an alarm, and police were quickly alerted. By the time the police arrived, Keleher was doing her laundry at the Harrisons' home. When asked why she had broken in, she told them: "I thought I had a psychic connection with George". She said she had entered the property through an open sliding glass door. Keleher was then arrested and charged with burglary and theft.

Though Harrison had avoided an encounter with the intruder in Hawaii, a week later at his home, a mansion in England, Michael Abram, a 36-year-old fan, broke in and attacked Harrison with a kitchen knife, puncturing a lung and causing head injuries before wife Olivia Harrison incapacitated the assailant by striking him repeatedly with a fireplace poker and a lamp.

Following the attack, Harrison was hospitalised with more than 40 stab wounds. He released a statement soon afterwards regarding his assailant: "[he] wasn't a burglar, and he certainly wasn't auditioning for the Traveling Wilburys.

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