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I know everyone has been in beautiful beaches at least once in their lives right?

But let’s focus on the unique beaches like the ones that you never heard of before. 

What makes Mabua so special? It may sound like an ordinary beach resort but it isn’t. Marvel at the perfectly shaped pebbles!

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Mabua’s perfectly-formed pebbles.

Locals say that Mabua Pebble beach has so many pebbles because of the strong waves that crashed against the rocky mountains a long time ago. As the waves kept on crashing and hitting the rock mountains, the pebbles formed over time and this is what we have now- beautifully formed pebbles!

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Fishermen off to the edge of the sea to fish.

If you plan to go there, I recommend you stay there until early evening because you will witness fishermen on their boats heading to the deep to fish. I tell you it is one of the most amazing sceneries I have seen in my whole life, and it went well with the sunset! Imagine seeing silhouettes of pump boats racing to the edge of the ocean with the fishermen standing gloriously.  There are actually a lot of them! And since there is no electricity available, their families light up bon fires at the edge of the beach so they will know where to return to after fishing.

If you want to tour around the beach, you can rent a pump boat. Just ask the locals how much, and then they will gladly offer you their service. I recommend you to try it and ask them to bring you to the edge of the beach to see amazing sceneries of animals in their natural state. When I was there, I was lucky to see a king fisher crack a crab open!

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A king fisher with a crab.

There is not much to do in Mabua Pebble Beach since they do not have electricity. You can swim all you want and ride pump boats though (that is what I did and I had lots of fun). The waters are clean and very cold. Just wear beach shoes because there are times where sea urchins are just standing by and you do not want to step on one! You can also take advantage of that situation by getting the sea urchins and eating them- that’s what other people did. I am assuming they know what they are eating.

Be sure to bring your own food because they don’t have much food stalls there.  The beach is worth a visit!

How to get to Mabua Pebble Beach?

Mabua Pebble Beach, Surigao City is just a 30 minute ride from Surigao City’s commercial hub. All you need to do is to get a tricycle from the terminal around the marketplace and ask to them to bring you straight to Mabua.

Discover. Seek. Learn. Beyond Cebu.

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