lifestyle 121114main

If you want to give precious gifts or just want to do something with the kids, this DIY Christmas Tree in the Jar will be perfect!

What You Need:

Mason Jar
Epsom Salts
Small Plastic Christmas Tree
Battery Operated String Of Lights

What To Do:
1. Place the lights at the bottom of the jar. Loop it and place it at the bottom so it does not have to scatter.

2. Start placing the Epsom Salts at the bottom. If a light tends to surface, push it back down.

3. Place the small plastic Christmas tree in the middle. Push down until it is in place. You may add more Epsom Salts if you need to.

4. Turn on the battery operated lights to see if they are in place. If not, rearrange until satisfied.

You may also do this with different subjects! You can use a family picture, a figurine, a snowman or any of your preference!

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