radioshow 031315main

As physics would say, time travel is possible but only for the future.

There’s no way you can go back to the past; however, Y101FM knows how to get you to your favorite era- through Bootleg Gold that is.

Relive the time when rock n’ roll was pure talent, when the word “manufactured music” didn’t exist, when music was a product of the soul and not the creation of a company, and when it was perfect. This is what Bootleg Gold is for – pure music.

Who cares if your generation is what they call “the past”? It was the best generation and no music of today can compare to it, not the tiniest bit.

So don’t miss out on the mayhem this Friday, when you’re cuffed to Bootleg Gold on Y101 Always First or while you stream it live on this evening from 6 PM to 8 PM (also replayed on Wicked Radio at 12 MN).

Be Hooked!

#bootleggold #y101fm #radioshow